Year: 2023 | Month: May | Volume 68 | Special Issue

Theoretical Aspects of Predicting the Results of Development of the Armed Forces’ Capabilities, Considering the Assessments of Sufficiency of the State’s Economic Capabilities Based on the Mathematical Apparatus of S-shaped Functions

Oleh Semenenko Serhii Baranov Andrii Shyhyda Volodymyr Remez Dmytro Momot


The purpose of the study is to formulate an improved algorithm for drawing up plans for the development and strengthening of the capacities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, especially under conditions of limited resources and unforeseen circumstances. The mathematical method is a central for studying and predicting the dynamics of Armed Forces of Ukraine development, namely the calculations carried out using the apparatus of S-shaped functions. In addition, the following methods were also used: analysis,
synthesis and abstraction. As a result of the study, it was proposed the models for development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the medium term (6 years) and long term (12 years) prospects, considering the previous experience and unforeseen circumstances. It was proposed a system of consistent planning for the Armed Forces development. The key problem in the development and planning of the Ukrainian army is the fact that the expected results do not correspond to the planned ones. It was found a direct correlation between the demands of military system and the capabilities of socio-economic system.


  • Ignoring the importance of a functional and high-performance army in the context of sovereignty preservation and the state’s existence has always led to critical phenomena.

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Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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